“Kroeber's opinion, expressed after the second World War, about the presumed civilized opposition to slavery, torture and slaughter of prisoners of war, is hardly worth considering. It does not distinguish between the various forms of "slavery," primitive, archaic and modem. Nor is torture ethnologically interpreted. For the torture of prisoners of war among the Iroquois, for example, was a cruel test and a challenge, but it was not ideologically based; they had no intention of “brainwashing” the enemy. In fact, Iroquois prisoners of war were frequently adopted into the tribe, supplying labor, but eventually they could regain their dignity and achieve Iroquois status, either directly or through their children.”

Stanley Diamond — In Search of the Primitive, 1971

he probably was having his other professional acquaintances in mind, those who were complicit in the MKultra fuckfest (and other government programs, this era was filled with those)

“and, bespeaking of love and lie detectors in venuvarities, whateither the drugs truth of it, was there an iota of from the faust to the lost.”

Finnegans Wake, 335

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I also assume that you seen this…


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No. Hadn't seen this. Thanks for posting it!

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Jeffrey… I have so much to say about this that I don’t know even where to begin. I’m also accessing this information on my phone because it don’t have a working computer. Likewise I would gladly pay you for a subscription because you’re providing very valuable information. Your work is very much appreciated.

I had no idea of the great number of subprojects under the MKULTRA program. I personally do not believe that the documents were destroyed as the CIA has claimed. Nor do I believe that their programs stopped as has been suggested and suspect that they are still being conducted perhaps with the use of private contractors as was done during the torture program.

As I think you are aware… my Father was CIA and involved in Operation Bootstrap. I also think that I have been a target of some of these programs in some capacity. They are simply too many coincidences and extremely traumatic events that occurred in my life beginning in my infancy… if not with my birth.

I cannot discuss any of this at length on the internet because of my communication limitations as well as my current physical condition… the result of yet more extreme trauma. I already have scattered white matter brain lesions along with Syringomyelia and given my current condition, I suspect that I now have additional lesions that developed during the month of December when I was twice placed into a psychiatric facility for no reason whatsoever other than they could. The first time this was done to me was at the age of 13 years old and it was done because the woman who raised me needed time to spend with her boyfriend. My initial psychiatric hospitalization lasted 7 months during the seventies when insurance was covering extensive hospitalizations particularly for adolescents. Ironically… it was also during that first hospitalization that I was groomed by a 25 year old Vietnam Veteran and Blue Cross Blue Shield paid for our dates in the form of routine outings with the staff.

I believe that my Father was aware of at least some of these programs based on his reaction when I told him that I was going to graduate school to study psychology. Given his position as an agent there were things he was unable to tell me but he did leave a trail of breadcrumbs that I have been able to follow to some extent.

I need to find a way to get my story out there because I have no doubt that I’m not the only one. I’m just not sure of the best and most effective way to do this and welcome any suggestions that you might have.

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A lot to process here. Let me think on it and will later reach out to you.

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Wowie zowie. I don’t suppose those nice Russians did anything like that.

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Thank you for this article... I've always wondered where victims of MK-Ultra or any of its myriad of sub-programs may have ended up...

My guess is that there might still victims who might not even know that they're victims, whether due to successfully layered in screen memories, etc...

I also think that there might be victims out there who have learned, "woken-up" to the fact that there lives, and pasts are not what they thought they were... and I've always sensed that at least some of them might be naturals when it comes to research, and perhaps as the years went by, and if they were as clever and adept as I'm pretty sure some were, that they would have put together a pretty sizeable amount of hard data, you know, verifiable stuff with timeliness, etc, that sort of thing... But sadly, I bet a lot of such people probably have lives that are, well, "complex"... or have been "externally complicated"...

You see Jeffrey, I don't think people who were victims of such trauma based experiences are ever really allowed to dissappear into the sunset... my guess is that things would be anything but easy for them... and that they could probably use a friend...

Oh, I almost forgot... I'm a bit of a research junkie, I found out a number of years ago that I had a good feel for it. I thought you might be interested in reading some of it...

In case you are and if you have time, here's my contact info:

Jeff Weiss

Phone: 541.252.0335

Email: wayfaringstranger5967@gmail.com



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